2024-02-21 Board Meeting

###### tags: `UF Caprentries` `Meeting` `Minutes` ## Meeting Info - **Location:** Remote - **Date:** 2024 February 21, 10:00 (ET) - **Agenda** 1. Introductions 2. Approval of [Jan 23 minutes]([https://www.uf-carpentries.org/minutes/board-2024-01-23/]) 3. Sponsorships update 4. Budget update 5. Membership renewal 6. Any other business - **Participants:** - Present: Ke, Cory, Flora, Yiyang (Calvin) - **Chair:** Ke Zhang - **Secretary:** Ke Zhang ## Notes ### Introductions * Introduce to the new board member Yiyang (Calvin) Kang. ### Approving minutes * Jan 23, 2024 minutes were approved ### Sponsorships update * We will have Calvin contact his department for potential sponsorship. * We will keep trying to find potential sponsorship from other departments. * Libraries will provide another 1000 dollars as sponsorship. ### Budget update * Libraries will provide another 1000 dollars as sponsorship, need to follow up to see if all sponsorships are received. ### Membership renewal * We may restart our membership later this year when we have enough funding. ### Other * No other notes ### Next Board Meeting * Chair: Dellena * Secretary: TBD * Date: March 5th, 2024 * Schedule: 1-2 pm (EST) 1. Introductions 2. Approval of Feb 21st minutes 3. Sponsorship solicitation 4. Other
