2023-03-22 Board Meeting

tags: UF Caprentries Meeting Minutes

Meeting Info

  • Location: Remote
  • Date: 2023 March 22, 12:00 PM (EST)
  • Agenda
    1. Introductions
    2. Finding and approval of March 7th, 2023 minutes
    3. Discuss upcoming Git workshop (Cory and Dellena)
    4. Commitment to finalize each semester workshop schedule during the previous semester (Cory)
    5. Idea: Spanish-language workshops (Cory)
    6. As-needed check-ins about:
    • IFAS update
    • Sponsorship emails
    • Instructor trainings
  • Participants:
    • Cory Brunson, CJ Campbell, Dellena Bloom, Natya Hans
    • Chair: CJ
    • Secretary: Cory



Introductions were skipped.

Finding and approval of March 7th, 2023 minutes

Minutes are not yet online and we agreed to skip their approval.

Discuss upcoming Git workshop (Cory and Dellena)

CJ obtained a food/beverage plans from Flora and plans to stick around during the day to handle food/beverage set-up and take-down.

Cory and Dellena will investigate the new PAT requirement for new GitHub accounts. CJ notes that GitHub Desktop may obviate that requirement.

CJ notes that there is not yet an event on the Carpentries website; Cory will create it.

Commitment to finalize each semester workshop schedule during the previous semester (Cory)

Cory suggests that we plan dates and instructors for all Fall (Spring) workshops at the end of Spring (Fall) semester.

CJ and Dellena agreed.

  • First April meeting: tentative Fall 2023 schedule
  • Second April meeting: finalize Fall 2023 schedule

Idea: Spanish-language workshops (Cory)

Cory suggests that a Spanish-language workshop might be useful if enough Spanish-language instructors could be recruited.

Dellena asked if a centrally-organized workshop could be conducted in Spanish. We don’t know.

CJ emphasizes the broader idea of targeting workshops to learners outside the UF community, i.e. Gainesville. Suggests R Ladies Gainesville is one group we might connect with.

As-needed check-ins

IFAS update

No update.

Sponsorship emails

Check with Audrey for next steps.

Instructor trainings

Dellena noted that instructor training must be completed within the fiscal year that funds them. This raises the question of when to advertise for them.

The board agreed to advertise with the requirement to complete by this FY’s deadline, and to decide when next to advertise at a later meeting.

Next board meeting

Next board meeting will be April 4 at 11:00. CJ will chair. Cory will secretary.
