2018-04-10 Board Meeting


Justin, Matthew, Hao, Simona


  1. Upcoming workshop at FLREC (budget, participants, transportation)
  2. Award funding (final comments on charter, committee to review applications)
  3. CarpentryCon abstract (materials to include, dates)
  4. Bug BBQ (snacks, git lesson, advertisements)
  5. Advertising through Marston Library social media
  6. Loose ends (instructor Q&A, peer assessment, website, spreadsheet lesson for Department of Anthropology, project on impact of extra-curricular activities, signage for workshops)


FLREC workshop

We will post a special award announcement to fund travel for one instructor. The award is for $450 meant to cover transportation, lodging, and meals. Application will be open starting tomorrow (April 11th) and the recipient will be selected by next week.

Award funding

Everybody approves the current version of the charter. Hao and Matt are on the reviewing panel for the next round of applications. The ad for the first regular cycle of awards will be posted in early May for one $250 award.


Theme choice will depend on who will be selected to go. Abstract draft in progress on ticket #20.


Logistics are all figured out. Room is booked for Friday 1-5PM. Hao will lead the lesson on GitHub.

Social media coverage

Possibility of advertising Carpentry events on the Marston Library social media accounts. To be discussed further.

Additional items

  • Website prototype will be discussed at the next meeting.
  • Potentially, we can also discuss creating social media accounts for the UF Carpentries.
  • Renewal of Board roles to be discussed at the next meeting. Will be effective in early summer (June).
  • Meeting for collaborative project on impact of workshops on education and career trajectories is tomorrow. Meeting notes will be made available.
  • Next Board meeting in 2 weeks (last of the semester).
